One of our super sweet couples sent us this beautiful picture of the Love parasol we created for their July wedding in Cleveland, Ohio along with a note that read:
"I have been meaning to contact you for some time in regards to how beautiful the parasol was for my big day! My bridesmaids carried green parasols therefore my white parasol with black writing stood out in the photos. I have attached a photo that our photographer took to especially highlight the parasol. I hope you enjoy the image as much as we enjoyed taking the photo! I am hoping to enlarge this image onto a canvas to hang on our walls for years to come! Thank you again so much!" Amanda
Thanks so much Amanda and congratulations on your beautiful wedding day!
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► Nigel Barker: How To Take Wedding Photos - Wedding Photography Tips and Tricks
Weddings are full of magical moments and every bride and groom hopes their photographer will capture them on film. Using different lenses, angles and perspectives can ensure that those spontaneous moments are captured for posterity. Professional photographer Nigel Barker shares expert tips for how to shoot candid wedding photos.
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Learn the best kept secrets of photography professionals.
Wedding Photographers make very good money. Depending on the size of the wedding and the number of photographs you take, you can earn anything from $1000.00 to $4000.00 in one day. You do need some extra equipment (like backup equipment) but you dont need fancy or very expensive equipment or even a studio. And, if you follow our advice, youll be doing one, two or even three weddings every week. Could you use an extra $3000.00 to $12,000.00 a week? Its easy. We show you how!
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