I think someone turned on my biological clock

Sunday, April 10, 2011 por | | 0 comments
I have been dreaming a lot about babies lately...Specifically....my babies...babies that I don't have yet, nor want to have yet. So whats with all the day dreaming and such?I was discussing this with Kyle tonight over dinner after he almost spit out his wine and I told him that I really don't feel that I am ready to have a baby yet, mostly for one hundred reasons1) When I have a child, I want to be able to be home with them when they are small. I am very anti-daycare if I can swing being home with my child instead.The funny thing is is that I used to be completely the other way around. I used...
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More Goodies

Sunday, April 10, 2011 por | | 0 comments
So many to share! There's nothing like wedding season... it's so much fun working on all these creations for our lovely couples. Can't wait to share more soon, enjoy for now! Related Site -Wedding Magnets -Wedding WebsiteDocumento sin títuloRelated Videos :below I show related videos and not so related to this article. Title: New Gun Show means more goodiesSome of the stuff I picked up at the Gun Show this weekend.Title: Friday Haul~Birthday Goodies & More!Thank you for being here! xoxo Lisa Thank you, Gina! http://www.youtube.com/user/LovePeaceandLipGloss Thank you, Sheri http://www.youtube.com/user/sheribaby35 Thank...
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